What’s Included

Share family photos
Upload, View and Store your memories with ease
Our simple interface allows you to post and view your photos easily without special tools or software. Categories and meta tags allow you to quickly sort and search photos based on user, location, date and more.

Get Family News
Don't miss the family's coming and goings
Post family newsletters, stories, announcements and more. Now you can quickly and easily post and view all the family news that is fit to print!

Share recipes and remedies
Keep your favorite family dishes and cures here
Mom's apple pie, Thanksgiving stuffing, nightmare cures; these are the things that make life's events special. Now you can be sure you'll always have them.

Family Calendar
Post birthdays, anniversaries, schedules and more
Soccer games, work, music lessons, class schedules; Family life is hectic. Make sure your family's paths cross every chance they get with our easy to use, shared family calendar.

Store Family Addresses
Easily save and find phone numbers, email and home addresses
Does your rolodex look like a scrap book? Are family addresses scattered in multiple locations? With our simple system, the entire family can share one address book. Now you can email, make calls or mail letters with ease!

Hold Live Family Chats
Secure family style chats for the entire family
Have an old-fashioned gab session! Our chat system allows your entire family to talk to each other, at once, day or night without the fear of predators or scary phone bills.

Preserve Family History
Keep your family stories alive for generations to come
Keep your family's stories, photos, news and more alive and safe for future generations. Offsite storage of back-ups means your family history is safe theft and natural disaster. Even your family secrets!

Visualize your family data with maps, time lines and tag clouds